Benefits of meditation for a healthy heart and body
During these uncertain times, it is important to focus on ways to help manage fear and anxiety while coping with our ever-changing world as we know it. Meditation practices can be a great way to help find balance as we learn more about COVID-19 and how it will affect our lives moving forward. Although we can’t rid ourselves of daily stressors, meditation may provide the mental shift needed to equip you for life’s oncoming obstacles. Given all the buzz surrounding meditation, you might be tempted to dismiss it as trendy. But this centuries-old practice of calming the mind and easing day-to-day stress is backed by loads of scientific evidence. How Meditation Can Help with Stress Numerous studies have shown that mindfulness training boosts happiness and quality of life, increases working memory and resistance to distraction, and improves emotional regulation , according to Penn's Program for Mindfulness. Learn how meditation may help our bodies and brains recover f...