
Showing posts from March, 2023

What are the Symptoms of a Ruptured Aneurysm?

  A brain aneurysm is a bulge or swelling in a blood artery in brain, also known as a cerebral aneurysm or intracranial aneurysm. An aneurysm frequently looks like a berry trying to hang on a stem.   Experts believe that brain aneurysms form and grow because blood flowing through the blood vessel puts pressure on a weak area of the vessel wall. This can change the size of the brain aneurysm. A hemorrhagic stroke, which is caused by bleeding in the brain if a brain aneurysm ruptures or leaks, occurs.   Usually, a ruptured brain aneurysm takes place in the space between the brain and also the thin tissues trying to cover the brain . This sort of hemorrhagic stroke is called a subarachnoid hemorrhage.   Brain aneurysms are frequent. But most brain aneurysms are not severe, particularly if they're tiny. Most brain aneurysms do not even burst. They normally don't produce symptoms or cause serious health problems. In many situations, brain aneurysms are id...

How do I Start Dealing with Trauma?

Whether it is a traffic accident, plane crash, violent crime, terrorist attack, global pandemic, or natural disaster like an earthquake, hurricane, or flood, experiencing traumatic stress is common. You might experience intense shock, confusion, and fear, as well as feelings of numbness or overwhelm brought on by a slew of opposing feelings, sometimes all at once. Additionally, these feelings extend beyond those who were directly affected by the incident. We are all inundated with horrific images of calamity, suffering, and loss almost immediately after they occur anywhere in the world due to the 24/7 coverage provided by the news and social media. As if you had been there, repeated exposure can cause traumatic stress and overwhelm your nervous system. If the traumatic event was caused by someone else, like a shooting or an act of terrorism, trauma   can shatter your sense of security, leaving you feeling helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world. You might feel genuinely and ...